
Layton Badge

Chest Loot

Loot is chosen when a chest appears

As a fallback, if no items are eligible then it will give you Item #40 (Insipid Cola)

"Chest" I believe is the type of chest, 0 = Blue, 1 = Bronze, 2 = Silver, 3 = Gold. 4 also seems to be Gold.

See bottom for Special Requirements (NOTE: Needs further testing!)

IDItem NameCan Loot?ChestLevel ReqSpecial Req
1Small Air TankYES010
2Hard MousseYES050
3Hunting CapYES0250
4Ear PickYES030
5Wet T-shirtYES050
6Toe ShoesYES080
7Blue Contact LensYES010
9Two of HeartsYES060
101 Gahas BanknoteYES010
11Wrestler MaskYES0150
12Toy ShovelYES030
13Glistening PonchoYES080
14Dirty Work GlovesYES010
15Dry-cell BatteryYES0450
16Empty Plastic BottleYES050
18Knit CapYES010
19Tattered HelmetYES030
21Silver EarringsYES010
23Short Rope LadderYES010
24Three of HeartsYES080
25Medicine CapsulesYES060
26Regular PickaxeYES090
27Sexy LeotardYES0150
29Frying PanYES070
30Tarzan LoinclothYES060
31Trendy WristwatchYES040
33Silk HatYES080
34Yellow Hair ColorYES040
35Nice HoodieYES0220
37Plastic RakeYES030
38Loose SocksYES0390
39Four of HeartsYES0120
40Insipid ColaYES010
42Medicinal HerbYES020
43Medium Air TankYES0100
44Heavy HelmetYES060
461-gil Copper CoinYES0600
47Tattered Exploration OutfitYES010
48Sieve for Zaru SobaYES010
49Bathhouse BucketYES0100
50School-commute RaincoatYES040
52Invigorating Green JuiceYES080
53Alps Natural Spring WaterYES010
54Broken AbacusYES0500
55Banana ShakeYES010
56Mexican HatYES0150
57Five of HeartsYES0160
58Authentic Red WineYES050
59Katou-kun's Gym UniformYES0100
60Iron ShovelYES0100
61Tattered ShoesYES020
63Shogi PieceYES040
64Vintage JeansYES030
65Cool SunglassesYES020
67Straw HatYES030
68Six of HeartsYES0200
69Health SandalsYES0100
70Relay-race SashYES0100
71French FriesYES010
72Light Blue BatYES0150
73Seven of HeartsYES1240
74Nurse's White CoatYES110
75Cowboy HatYES1140
76Medium Rope LadderYES130
77Regular Work GlovesYES1130
78Popular YoyoYES160
79Vampire's CapeYES1240
80Seafood PizzaYES110
81Orange JuiceYES130
82Large Air TankYES1180
83Crappy Game's DemoYES1250
8410% Discount CouponYES1210
85Red-thong GetaYES1100
86Steel MousseYES1150
87Mosquito CoilYES110
88Green Hair ColorYES1120
89Duplication MachineYES150
90Yokozuna's Ceremonial ApronYES1630
91Plastic HelmetYES1100
92Eight of HeartsYES1280
93Songstress PipineraYES110
94Brain-boosting Red JuiceYES1100
95Soccer BallYES150
96London PunkYES190
97Green Contact LensesYES150
98A Paper with 'Heisei' Written on itYES1100
99Blind-date Photo of Black CatYES1270
100Good CanteraYES1420
101Bagel SandwichYES160
102Montsuki HakamaYES1120
103Hula HoopYES110
10410 Gahas BanknoteYES1210
105Evolution MachineYES140
106Trendy ShoesYES1120
107Chocolate CakeYES110
108Paper TattooYES1100
109Blue Hair ColorYES150
110Graduate CapYES1100
111Nostalgic LCD GameYES1400
112Koshien Stadium's SoilYES1160
113Cup RamenYES110
114Good Air TankYES1240
115Prima's TutuYES1200
116Antidote HerbYES110
117Blue Sports ShoesYES150
118Exploration OutfitYES130
119Baseball CapYES1290
121Nine of HeartsYES1320
123Ghost-busting MonkeyYES1250
125Banana PeelYES120
126Girl's Sailor UniformYES150
127Steel PickaxeYES1160
128Ten of HeartsYES1360
129Camouflage ClothingYES150
130Mom-made OnigiriYES120
131Workout TireYES140
132Luck-boosting Yellow JuiceYES1100
133Boy's Gakuran UniformYES1100
134Pointed HatYES1200
137Long Rope LadderYES1100
138Blossoming EarringsYES150
139Rubber SoleYES1150
140Sacred Beast FigurineYES1100
141Elementary School PHSYES120
14210-gil Silver CoinYES1100
143Roller BladeYES1150
144Santa ClothesYES1250
145Miss SnakeNO200
146Santa HatYES2250
147Iron HelmetYES2180
148Rabbit Contact LensesYES260
149Iron GetaYES210
150Calorie FriendYES250
151100 Gahas BanknoteYES2300
152Old Man SetYES2500
153Jack of HeartsYES2400
154Work Gloves with WartsYES2100
155Great Air TankYES2320
156Great PickaxeYES2250
157Phantom Demon FigurineYES2300
158Video Game MagazineYES200
161Makeup Band CostumeYES290
162Gold-plated WristwatchYES2250
163Japan Representative's JerseyYES2150
164Blue Strategy BookYES200
165Extra Long Rope LadderYES2180
167Fried ChickenYES2120
168Santa BootsYES2150
169Bus-stop SignYES210
170Graduation CertificateYES2270
171Tulip HatYES210
172Magic SpoonYES2100
173Guitar PickYES210
174Platform BootsYES2200
175Prep School's EmblemYES2250
176Enka Singer's CostumeYES250
177Peach Hair ColorYES2150
179The Secret of the PyramidYES210
180Good Exploration OutfitYES210
181Queen of HeartsYES2400
182Egg-shaped ChocolateYES210
183Sanshiro's Judo UniformYES2350
185Pure Silver RosaryNO200
186Elephant's Ear PickYES2160
187Saigou-san's GetaYES2150
188Nutritional DrinkYES250
189Black CD-ROMYES2120
190100-gil Gold CoinYES2320
191Tokugawa's Ancient ScrollYES2300
192Bathhouse Bucket (Plastic)YES2280
193Blind-date Photo of Polar BearYES2100
194Tacky SunglassesYES2100
195Sea King GoldYES2200
196Yellow Strategy BookNO200
197Italian-made SuitYES2150
198Pickaxe of StrengthYES2300
199Afro HairYES3340
201Iga's Ninja CostumeYES3400
202Fierce Gold FigurineYES3270
203Magic MousseYES310
204King of HeartsYES3430
205Mysterious PickaxeYES3350
206Wooden BearNO300
207Wing BootsYES3370
208Nobunaga's Straw SandalsYES3300
209Nessie's EggYES310
210Prospector's PhotoYES3400
211Chinese Baby PandaYES320
212Mysterious Floppy DiskYES3200
213Red AppleYES3100
214Convenience Store BentouYES3250
215Red Strategy BookNO300
216Red High HeelsYES3200
217Cyber WristwatchYES310
218Surprise Lucky BagYES310
219White Cat Mobile PhoneYES330
220Space SuitYES3550
221Ultimate Air TankYES3400
223Thoughtful Year-end GiftYES3100
224Chibi DragonYES3260
225Mouse Plush ToyYES3300
226Hi-tech Sports ShoesYES3100
228Bunny Girl's EarsYES3220
229Night Demon FigurineYES3380
230Newly-released Game ConsoleYES3100
231Ace of HeartsNO300
232Super Luxury Brand BagYES3100
233Fatty Tuna SushiYES310
234Electric PickaxeNO3500
235Eternal Rope LadderYES4559
236New Year's Eve DressYES4501
237The Latest ComputerYES4503
238Electric Mouse CostumeYES45010
239Rare Air TankYES4452
240Champion Mare's HorseshoeYES44511
241Valuable Trading CardYES44813
242Embarrassing PhotoYES45012
243Robo 2001NO400
244Enka Singer's CharmNO400
245Magic PickaxeNO400
246Mystical PendantNO400
247Earrings of ScienceNO400
248Necklace of CreationNO400
249Bracelet of PhilosophyNO400
250Brooch of WisdomNO400
251Ring of DevotionNO400
252Tiara of WillpowerNO400

Special Requirements

1New Year's Eve DressPlay for 5 hours or more (current session, not total. Timer starts on title screen)
2Rare Air TankPlay for 5 minutes or more
3The Latest ComputerAfter paying the fee to enter the mine, the amount of money you have is divisible by 100 (money gained in the mine doesn't change this, it writes down your amount when you enter)
4-After paying the fee to enter the mine, the amount of money you have is divisible by 1000
5-After paying the fee to enter the mine, the last 3 digits of the money you have is 777
6-DEF = 100
7-SPD = 200
8-INT = 333
9Eternal Rope LadderNo ladder equipped (it checks your ladder height is 0)
10Electric Mouse CostumeCurrent pet is Rizu-chan (?)
11Champion Mare's HorseshoeCurrent pet is Playmate (?)
12Embarrassing PhotoHave no equipment on (no clothing, no items, no dig tool, no ladder)
13Valuable Trading Card(no special requirement)